sábado, 7 de junio de 2008


Someone asked me what Uruguay was famous for. Like meat pies in tins? Well, they gave us Fray Bentos. Didn´t make the pilgrimage as couldn´t persuade Sare that it was worth the t-shirt! (wonder why?!)

On Friday we were invited to a Friends of the Earth press conference in the capital, Montevideo. It was followed by a tribunal review (including ruling party MPs) - they're doing a lot of campaigning against European companies in SA. I only wish I understood it! The speakers directly addressed us thinking we were journos but we met the enthusiastic quick-fire Spanish with confused stares!

We were told Montevideo was a pretty city but didn´t appreciate it till the last day - on a bus (pumping out Bob Marley) when the sun came out. Its dirty elegance certainly looks better in the right light. It´s scattered with the familiar market filled plazas, kioskos and radio taxis like BA but the latter feels unabashedly opulent by comparison. Not sure why the shantytowns outside Montevideo surprised me either.

I can´t help feeling we came here at the wrong time of year because we´ve had to bypass some of Uruguay´s most beautiful beaches after being told some didn´t have electricity and we´d face polar conditions. (and how much would princess Tamara not like that?!)

Being back in BA has put a smile on my face (at least until a cab driver ripped us off with fake currency) Off to the Iguassu Falls tomorrow....16 hours by bus...bring it on!

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